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Think mobile first for your new website

Think Mobile First for your new website

It is still common to consider a desktop version of your new website, before working on a mobile-friendly version. However, trying to create a mobile-friendly alternative to your shiny new desktop website can cause functionality issues and make it a nightmare to navigate. With this in mind, more and more people are now considering mobile first when setting up a new website; let’s take a look at why this is and what the benefits are.

Mobile Design

Oct 26, 2014

6 Key Web Design Trends in 2014

6 Key Web Design Trends in 2014

With the first Christmas decorations in the shops and another year nearly gone, it’s time to reflect on new trends and changes in the world of web design. Some of these trends have been gaining popularity over the last couple of years, whereas others are brand new for 2014. We take a look at some of the best and brightest web design trends to be seen this year, from the simple to the awe-inspiring. In this article, we will take a look at some of the best and brightest web design trends to be seen this year, from the simple to the awe-inspiring.

Website Design

Oct 24, 2014

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