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Improving Member Engagement with Personalised Digital Content

While delivering content can help you achieve both of these things, many membership organisations deliver content to their members that is valuable, but generic and not tailored to the individual member’s needs. Personalisation of content allows you to use the information that your organisation has gathered to deliver targeted and personalised online content to individual members based on their own interests and engagement habits.

Content Marketing

Sep 30, 2016

Optimise your Content for Voice Search

In the US, 65% of smartphone owners now use mobile voice assistants, an increase in more than double since 2013. With improvements in the accuracy of voice recognition technology, more and more users are beginning to use their smartphone’s voice capabilities to perform web searches. This means that it is now high time to ensure that your website is optimised for voice search capabilities.


Sep 19, 2016

Building a Search Strategy that Accounts for Mobile Users

Building a Search Strategy that Accounts for Mobile Users

While SEO has been a top priority of marketers for many years, the big challenge is optimising search strategies to account for mobile users. These days, consumers are turning more and more towards social media, messaging apps, and bots for content via their mobile. In this article, we look at how to go about building a Search Strategy that Accounts for Mobile Users.


Sep 12, 2016

8 Common Custom Web Design Mistakes (and their Solutions)

8 Common Custom Web Design Mistakes (and their Solutions)

Building a custom website from scratch can be a big and daunting task, but the biggest challenge is making sure that the end product is usable. In many cases, web designers forget to consider that the user’s needs come first along with practicality and usability. In this article, we will look at 8 common custom web design mistakes that can have a big impact on website usability, and the ways in which you can solve them.

Website Design

Sep 8, 2016

7 Key Questions when Choosing a Website Design Agency

Marketing has changed greatly over recent years, and social media and mobile web have given the consumer the power to engage with a brand on platforms of their choice. This leaves you and your organisation with the difficult decision of finding the right web design agency to deliver your message to potential customers in the most efficient and compelling possible ways. To help you to make the right choice when choosing a web design agency, we have compiled the following 7 key questions you should ask before you begin work on your website design project.

Website Design

Sep 7, 2016

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