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Joomla Content Management System

How to speed up your Joomla website

How to speed up your Joomla website

Users hate slow websites, and if your Joomla website is slow then they will abandon your website faster than they usually would which, will majorly damage your conversion rate. Google even says that site speed is used to determine your place in their rankings. If your Joomla website has slow loading times, then you need to fix the issue fast, before it starts impacting your business. To help, here are 9 tips to speed up your Joomla website.

7 Inspirational Joomla websites

7 Inspirational Joomla websites

As of August 2018, Joomla powers almost 6% of all websites. Despite the ongoing increase of Content Management Systems (CMS) available, Joomla still remains one of the best CMSs for both simple and complex web development. There are many inspirational Joomla websites, and in this article, we will be looking at 10 of our favourites.

Why we love Open Source Software

Why we love Open Source Software

The Artonezero team have been working with Linux and Open Source software for over 10 years.  We use it to run our business and we recommend it to our clients. We would be delighted to help you develop and introduce your open source strategy. In no particular order here is a list of applications we love and use every day:

Website Development

Sep 5, 2014

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