COVID-19 Update: Artonezero are still operating as normal from home. Read more

How to keep your website safe from hackers

How to keep your website safe from hackers

Corporate websites are more vulnerable to cyber attacks, how do we keep our websites safe from hackers? For smaller business, cybersecurity is not always top on the list of concerns. We are used to hearing about hacks and data breaches happening to big corporations like Facebook and Google. However, 43% of cyber attacks actually target […]

Website Development

Jan 23, 2019

Facebook releases search advertisements in Newsfeed and Marketplace

Facebook releases search advertisements in Newsfeed and Marketplace

After a five-year hiatus, Facebook is officially reigniting its involvement with search advertising.

On December 11th 2018, Facebook began Alpha testing ad inventory in the app’s native search results with a select group of U.S advertisers in retail, automobile and e-commerce. Dependant on the outcome of initial Alpha testing, Facebook may expand this offering to a larger number of Beta advertisers for further testing.


Jan 16, 2019

7 SEO trends coming your way in 2019

7 SEO trends coming your way in 2019

Happy new year! With 2019 fully underway, now is the time to make sure that you have your marketing plans for this year all set and ready to go. 

The start of the new year is always the best time to get your SEO in gear for the year ahead, and to help you stay ahead of the game in 2019 we have put together these 7 SEO trends you can expect to see in 2019.

Digital Marketing

Jan 8, 2019

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