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mobile website design


What does GDPR mean for your mobile app?

Due to come into effect tomorrow (25th May 2018), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) aims to give individuals in the EU better protection over their personal data, with a particular focus on how it is handled by businesses and organisations. So, how does this relate to mobile apps and mobile application development? In this article, we look at what GDPR means for your mobile app.


May 25, 2018


5 reasons to build a mobile application for your membership organisation

Building a mobile app for your membership organisation presents you with an effective way to communicate with your members. In this day and age, no longer do personalised cards and flyers for your organisation’s upcoming news and events work effectively, instead, you need to build a mobile app for your membership organisation to boost member engagement and communication. Here are 5 reasons why a mobile application can help you improve engagement with your members and help your organisation to provide more value to your membership.

Mobile Design

May 17, 2018

Why having a website with a responsive design that's mobile friendly matters!

Why having a website with a responsive design that’s mobile friendly matters!

According to We Are Social’s new ‘Digital, Social and Mobile 2015 Report’, 27% of all website views come from mobile phones; while this is still far less than the 58% which come from desktop views, it is nonetheless still the second most popular way in which people access websites and therefore a crucially important aspect of a company’s digital strategy.

Mobile Design

Sep 28, 2015

Think mobile first for your new website

Think Mobile First for your new website

It is still common to consider a desktop version of your new website, before working on a mobile-friendly version. However, trying to create a mobile-friendly alternative to your shiny new desktop website can cause functionality issues and make it a nightmare to navigate. With this in mind, more and more people are now considering mobile first when setting up a new website; let’s take a look at why this is and what the benefits are.

Mobile Design

Oct 26, 2014

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