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Why having a website with a responsive design that's mobile friendly matters!

Why having a website with a responsive design that’s mobile friendly matters!

According to We Are Social’s new ‘Digital, Social and Mobile 2015 Report’, 27% of all website views come from mobile phones; while this is still far less than the 58% which come from desktop views, it is nonetheless still the second most popular way in which people access websites and therefore a crucially important aspect of a company’s digital strategy.

Mobile Design

Sep 28, 2015

6 ways to reduce your website bounce rate

Most websites have a shocking 30-60% bounce rate on average. This means a large majority of web traffic entering your website leaves without navigating to any other pages. And many times they may never come back. Yikes! Here are 6 tips to help improve your web design and usability and reduce your website bounce rate.

Digital Marketing

Sep 10, 2015

How to Improve On Page SEO

On page SEO, also sometimes known as keyword density, refers to the factors that impact your website or your web page listing during online search results. These factors are controlled either by you or by the coding on your web page. Some examples of on-page SEO or web page optimisation includes meta tags, HTML code, keyword density and keyword placement. In this article, we look at how you can improve your On page SEO.


Sep 7, 2015

What are Inbound links and how do they improve SEO?

If you want to be found among the top ranking websites on search engines, increase the popularity of your website with a large number of inbound links! Inbound links are links that are present on other web pages so that they can be used to direct search engines and customers to your web page. In this article, we look at what are Inbound links and how do they improve SEO?


Sep 3, 2015

An Introduction to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

This blog acts as an introduction to what is SEO and digital marketing, here we will give you the initial tools and know how to use SEO and improve your website performance. It’s never going to be a skim read, so grab a coffee or save for your commute home!

Digital Marketing

Sep 1, 2015

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