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Web Design

Ten digital and web design tips to improve user experience

Ten digital and web design tips to improve user experience

After your users have signed up, you want them to get the most out of being part of your organisation. But very often users sign up and fail to engage; because the organisation doesn’t reach out to them in the right way. Here are our top tips for how to make sure they really engage with you and what you’re offering.

UX Design

Feb 23, 2016

Why having a website with a responsive design that's mobile friendly matters!

Why having a website with a responsive design that’s mobile friendly matters!

According to We Are Social’s new ‘Digital, Social and Mobile 2015 Report’, 27% of all website views come from mobile phones; while this is still far less than the 58% which come from desktop views, it is nonetheless still the second most popular way in which people access websites and therefore a crucially important aspect of a company’s digital strategy.

Mobile Design

Sep 28, 2015

First impressions count – How to improve your website design

According to research by Peep Laja the founder of ConversionXL, one of the leading conversion optimization experts in the world, it takes about 50 milliseconds, (that’s 0.05 seconds) for visitors to form an opinion about your website, that determines whether they like your site or not and whether they’ll stay or leave. So the purpose of this article is to explain what you need to do with your website to make sure it creates a good first impression and your hard earned search engine marketing doesn’t go to waste.

Lead Generation

Aug 13, 2015

Think mobile first for your new website

Think Mobile First for your new website

It is still common to consider a desktop version of your new website, before working on a mobile-friendly version. However, trying to create a mobile-friendly alternative to your shiny new desktop website can cause functionality issues and make it a nightmare to navigate. With this in mind, more and more people are now considering mobile first when setting up a new website; let’s take a look at why this is and what the benefits are.

Mobile Design

Oct 26, 2014

6 Key Web Design Trends in 2014

6 Key Web Design Trends in 2014

With the first Christmas decorations in the shops and another year nearly gone, it’s time to reflect on new trends and changes in the world of web design. Some of these trends have been gaining popularity over the last couple of years, whereas others are brand new for 2014. We take a look at some of the best and brightest web design trends to be seen this year, from the simple to the awe-inspiring. In this article, we will take a look at some of the best and brightest web design trends to be seen this year, from the simple to the awe-inspiring.

Website Design

Oct 24, 2014

Why we love Open Source Software

Why we love Open Source Software

The Artonezero team have been working with Linux and Open Source software for over 10 years.  We use it to run our business and we recommend it to our clients. We would be delighted to help you develop and introduce your open source strategy. In no particular order here is a list of applications we love and use every day:

Website Development

Sep 5, 2014

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