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8 digital marketing trends you cannot miss in 2019

8 digital marketing trends you cannot miss in 2019

2018 has been a big one for digital marketing. This year we have seen a rise in augmented reality, video content, and influencer marketing – just to name a few of the big ones. But with 2018 almost over now, you are no doubt wondering: “what does 2019 have in store for us”.

So, strap yourself in and read on to see what 2019 has in store for digital marketing.

Digital Marketing

Dec 14, 2018

Google + is shutting down early after second bug is revealed

Google+ is shutting down early after second bug is revealed

Google has announced that it will be shutting down the Google + social network much sooner than planned after a second bug was discovered that revealed millions of customers’ private data to software developers.

In a blog post published on the 10th December 2018, Google confirmed that approximately 52.5 million people were affected by a bug in a November software update.

The latest bug allowed profile information not marked as public to be accessed by software developers.


Dec 11, 2018

How to generate email leads for your membership website

How to generate email leads for your membership website

In some cases, future members will visit your membership website for the first time, be impressed by what they see and read, and then join your membership organisation there and then. However, in many, many cases, you will need to take a few more lead generation steps to convert cold traffic into members. Email is one of the most powerful tools you can use for generating leads for your membership website. If email isn’t part of your lead generation strategy, then you will need to get started by including the following core elements into your email strategy.

Membership Websites

Dec 7, 2018

New web-based sales tools enable independent Altnet providers to match national providers sales capability

Many smaller Altnet providers still don’t have access to the range of online sales and marketing tools to help them to fully compete with larger providers and secure the sales to grow their own network – until now. We are pleased to announce that our exclusivity period with Venus has ended, and we are now able to supply our suite of online sales and marketing tools to emerging Altnet providers in the UK.


Dec 7, 2018

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