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Why we love Open Source Software

Why we love Open Source Software

The Artonezero team have been working with Linux and Open Source software for over 10 years.  We use it to run our business and we recommend it to our clients.

We would be delighted to help you develop and introduce your open source strategy.  In the past, we have worked for firms such as Psion and Panasonic to develop Open Source offerings.

The most recent Open Source software that we have taken to in a big way is Joomla!, which we liked so much we wrote a book about it.

These days the only commercial software package we run is Windows XP. Oh, and Nitro PDF (sorry Adobe).

In no particular order here is a list of applications we love and use every day:

 On the Desktop:

On the Server:

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How inbound marketing strategy works for membership organisations

Inbound marketing strategy goes beyond B2B, B2C, and nonprofit marketing. Inbound marketing also isn’t about just closing sales, it’s about identifying your target market and building trust with those in it. The principles and tactics of inbound marketing strategy apply whether you are a business trying to acquire customers or a membership organisation trying to acquire new members and engage your current members. In this article we look at how inbound marketing strategy works for membership organisations

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7 tips to drive traffic to your membership association website

By engaging with prospects through social media, comments, online forums and multimedia content, you can increase your membership association’s website exposure and build a loyal following from your visitors. To reach this stage you will need to drive traffic to your membership site, and in this article, we will look at 7 simple tips you can use to do just that.

Content Marketing

Aug 8, 2018


5 types of email you should send to recruit more members

Membership associations operate in a crowded digital environment alongside large cooperates with aggressive marketing tactics and large advertising spends. For this reason, it can be tough for membership organisations to reach their target audiences – especially for membership recruitment. With this, how can membership organisations stand out, build visibility, and engage their members in a landscape where the average email user sends and receives 122 messages a day? In this article, we look at 5 types of email you should send to help you recruit more members.

Digital Marketing

Aug 22, 2018

Some of our work

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