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How to Craft Compelling Blog Titles that Attract Readers

How to Craft Compelling Blog Titles that Attract Readers

If you write a blog as part of your company’s marketing strategy you will know the potential that great content has for increasing website traffic, but without a compelling title gaining readership can be very tricky.

Sharing your thought leadership, insights and company news through blogging has become a practice that boosts online visibility and communicating your brand to your customer base. Your blog is one of the biggest resources in your marketing strategy, and not only will it help to drive online traffic, it also is the main ways that leads will find your product.

The problem is that with almost every company in your industry regularly blogging, finding a way to make your articles stand out and gain readership traffic can prove difficult.

So, how do you grab your reader’s attention? The answer is to learn how to craft compelling blog titles.

Identify with the reader’s problem

At the source of all blog articles is trying to provide a solution or benefit to the reader. You will probably already know this as you have ended up on this blog post wanting to learn how to craft compelling headlines. The problem is, as you have most likely already encountered in getting to this page is that with so much content being produced every day, you are always going to be faced with an abundance of content before you find what you are looking for.

As a reader then, you will have chosen to read this article as it would have identified with a problem that you need to solve. In this case, it is the chance to gain some knowledge, in other cases, it may be a quick source of entertainment, or an in-depth piece of thought leadership providing a discourse on a topic.

One of the key ways to craft a compelling blog title post is to incorporate the reader’s problem, which then hints that you will be providing the solution for it.

Provide a solution

In addition to identifying a reader’s problem, another way to create a compelling blog title is to provide the reader with a solution to an issue or highlight the benefits of reading your article.

Crafting a title to incorporate phrases such as “how to” or “10 tips to…” immediately conveys to the reader what the benefit is to be gained from reading your blog post.

While it is a very simple blog title, it communicates to the user in simple language the benefit of reading your post and what it can do for them.

Create a variety of titles

While the “10 tips” or “How to” formulas are simple and effective, it is very important to remember to create a variety of titles throughout your blog post. While you are writing individual posts this may not seem that important, but think about the reader who is scrolling through your blog articles. No one likes repetition, and if all of your titles sound similar, the user may be turned off from reading your articles.

Some other title formulas that you can also use include;

  • Questions – These can help evoke curiosity in the reader, but make sure that your blog answers the question imposed!

  • Thought leadership – Offering strategy advice from a thought leader is a great way to tempt readers into reading your blog posts.

  • Discovery and secrets – Offering your users exclusive information and insights is a great way to attract a reader.

When crafting blog titles, don’t be afraid to experiment. Different titles will resonate with different readerships, so keep working on your formulas until you find the one that sticks. As with all things marketing, crafting compelling blog titles takes experience, patience and creativity…and a lot of practice.

To see some of our blog titles in action, take a look at the Artonezero blog. Not only will you see our craft in action, but is plenty of advice and tips to help you make the most out of digital.

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