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Improving Member Engagement with Personalised Digital Content

Increasing online member engagement through digital content is a goal at the heart of almost every membership organisation.

By delivering excellent digital content to your members through your website and other digital resources not only can you increase your membership but you also provide value to your existing members.

While delivering content can help you achieve both of these things, many membership organisations deliver content to their members that is valuable, but generic and not tailored to the individual member’s needs.

This where personalised content can help. Personalisation of content allows you to use the information that your organisation has gathered to deliver targeted and personalised online content to individual members based on their own interests and engagement habits.

The Importance of Member Engagement

Positive user engagement helps your organisation to forge stronger and closer relationships with your members. This also goes further than just your current members as it also helps your organisation to connect with future members and well as reconnecting with older lapsed members. Using personalised content helps you to forge these relationships.

Personalised content, when used in conjunction with thorough online planning and strategy development, helps you to guide members and potential members the journey through the journey of being passive spectators into engaged endorsers who are more likely to engage both online and offline.

This means that your organisation should use personalised content to help your members to feel like they are an important part of a direct and relevant relationship shared by a common theme: the industry sector that your membership organisation advocates.

How to get Started Personalising Your Membership Content

There are hundreds of ways that you can begin to personalise your organisation’s membership content, but at the core of all of these rely on how you use your membership’s data.

By keeping all of your membership’s data up-to-date and stored in a suitable format, you can securely transfer into your software and begin online personalisation. However, if your organisation is still using legacy back-office software you may need to consider updating or replacing to make the most out of content personalisation.

How We Can Help

At ArtOneZero we help boost user-engagement and recruit new member sign-ups by turning your website into a custom 24/7 information portal.

With more members demanding that relevant information be available 24/7, we help membership organisations to transform their website into an engaging information hub that provides users with relevant information in the way they want to receive it.

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