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The benefits of WordPress websites

There are many Content Management Systems (CMS) out there, but how can you know which one is the best to use? Here, we highlight the benefits of WordPress websites:

Taking your business online is a massive step. But if you plan to manage it yourself rather than working with a web design company, you deserve to be the one making the decisions such as what content management system it runs on.

But why is this important? Because this decision impacts the look and feel of your website, as well as the speed. Did you know that the average website load time should be between 2 to 5 seconds? 

Luckily, WordPress websites are fast to open, as you’ll learn below.


Today, 35.9% of all websites on the internet use WordPress as their CMS.

One of the benefits of WordPress websites are the variety of options for each user, both paid and free. It helps the user understand the best one suited for their need. 

WordPress itself has gained so much interest in its lifetime that it has surpassed that over Blogger, SharePoint, and Drupal, according to Google Trends. 

WordPress has a variety of tools, plugins and flexible features; you might say that WordPress is arguably the best web design engine in business today.


Compared to competitors, WordPress is more straightforward by nature. It has become a popular choice for web designers everywhere, which eliminates the need for mastering HTML, CSS or any other complicated technologies. 

(This is ideal if you’re allowing your marketing person to add content onto the site, for example).


As with any software, WordPress stays up-to-date with trends and user needs. It is crucial because a business may need to change its purpose over time. 

WordPress provides regular updates, meaning that the CMS stays relevant, it resolves problems, and it routinely adds new features. 


WordPress has a dedicated community which designs thousands of themes. Ideal for businesses which want to deter from the norm. This is a great benefit of WordPress website. 


Linking from the previous point, one of WordPress’ great features is the number of plugins it has. You can choose from around 22,000 plugins and thousands of themes to give your website a new look. You can also adapt it to keep on top of trends.

(We like using Yoast to handle all of our SEO, and Ninja for our forms)

Compared to other CMS’s, installing plugins is relatively simple. You can ask your Admin to add it, and within minutes, you’ll be up and running!

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

WordPress makes SEO simple! It simplifies the use of H1, H2 and H3 tags, which makes it easy to separate everything. A great addition and benefit of WordPress websites. 

 It even tells you when you’re not using your keywords in your website URL, and Yoast is only one of many SEO plugins available. Plugins such as SEO Ultimate, All-In-One-SEO-Pack, Platinum SEO Pack all exist to help you with everything SEO. 

If you’re going to spend time building a website for your customers, you want to make sure they can find it on Google. We have more tips about SEO here…

Managing the content itself

It is so simple to manage content. 

You can even dive in deeper and assign permissions to individual team members. For example, you can give your Copywriter editing access but give your developers admin access. It has never been easier. 

Open Source

If you don’t know what open source is, it is software whose source code is available to be modified by everyone. WordPress has a team of developers at its disposal to improve it every day.

By this, we mean that more and more developers are helping make the platform as intuitive as you see it today. By having a community of developers, WordPress websites can be as individual as the companies that use them. 


Having a responsive website is vital. By using WordPress, it will make your website form-fitting; this means that it will provide the same experience for each user, whether they are viewing from a mobile device or desktop.  


Finally, scalability is a benefit for fledgeling businesses who may only need a fast loading functional website. It can also benefit them when they thrive and grow. WordPress has the advantage of allowing you to create your own website’s network, which is easy and also saves time and resources. 


This blog concludes why you should be using WordPress as your content management system.

If you want to know more about how you can get a custom-built bespoke WordPress website for your organisation, email us at or call us on 020 3011 0390. 

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